LonelyBond #62 - Pausing Development

So... I sat down a week ago and finished writing all the tasks that needs to be done for the first chapter to be playable. I broke the tasks down as much as I could and estimated how much time each tasks should take.
When it came down to summing everything up, I got the unfortunate news that I feared - it would take 4 months.
4 Months is not that big of a deal in the large scheme of things, but there should be 5 chapters for the game, meaning it would take 20 months (give or take) to make the game functional, and functionality is not the end state that the game should achieve.
So all in all I believe that two years of full time hard work (from now) could possibly bring LonelyBond to a good finished state. But two more years from now is a long time, especially since I've yet to hit an audience big enough to ensure I am on the right path.
This entire thing honestly made me feel a bit panicked, in a way I haven't felt before. I finally realized I am still too wet behind the ears to take on this much risk. To continue with the current pace I have.
So I decided to stop.
Not for good, mind you. I'm not even stopping making games full time. What I am doing is stopping the development of LonelyBond, at least for now. I believe in that game with all of my heart, but I need to gather some experience before stepping forward, before I will return to LonelyBond.
I've set myself a goal. A short one. An ambitious one.
In two months time I want to have a game ready for steam. The concept is decided already, I've planned out how it works, and I'm already setting up everything I need to register the game on the platform. I wish I could tell you more right now. I really want to, but part of the concept is the surprise, so promise you'll hear more about it ASAP.
In the meantime, I'm also stopping the weekly dev-blogs. Sadly, not enough people read them for them to be beneficial enough. I need to get out of my comfort zone and try some new things.
You will get a blog post soon when I announce the game, but I believe that until then you will have to wait.
In the meantime - thank you for reading once again. It means the world to me, and I'll see you all soon.
- Roee.